Location: Santiago de Chile, Chile

Food security and nutrition are an important part of the rural development agenda in developing countries. Addressing this issue adequately requires an intersectoral approach from agriculture, health, and education, with coherent policies at the national level and with territorial relevance. In this context, extension services can play a critical role in promoting nutrition-sensitive agriculture and interacting with health and education services.

The 13th GFRAS Annual Meeting will be held between 25 and 27 October 2022 in Santiago, Chile, hosted by the Red Latinoamericana de Extension Rural (RELASER), 13th GAM will take place between 24 and 28 October 2022 in Santiago, Chile. The topic of this year’s meeting is “Nutrition- Sensitive Extension” and the event will offer, as always, keynote addresses, group discussions, field trips, and create many possibilities to discuss and plan the implementation of needed changes in our food systems. Participants will also be offered the possibility to join remotely.

Rich discussions and fruitful exchanges with the entire GFRAS network await you in Chile! Join us to:

1. Identify and discuss policies and incentives that allow directing and strengthening food systems and extension with a focus on nutrition;
2. Identify and prioritize the food systems, with their different components, that best contribute to the nutrition of the population;

3. Identify the necessary capacities required at the different levels to strengthen policies, production systems and extension, so that they can contribute to better nutrition.

The meeting attendance fee is USD 150 per person.

Register here.

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