Location: Online Italy

This is the second in the series of youth-oriented webinars, entitled « Sprouting change: capacity- building for youth in green and climate-resilient agriculture”. The series is organized by FAO and IAAS in collaboration with YPARD.

This session will provide an overview of behavioural science and explore how it can be applied to climate action in agriculture and food systems. Based on the experiences of two young agripreneurs, we will discover and discuss concrete examples of how behavioural science can be used in youth- led projects.

Find out how applying behavioural insights can help you promote green and climate resilient practices throughout the food system. Furthermore, you will also learn how your surroundings and context (social, physical, psychological even neurological) influence the actions and decisions human beings take.

When: 26 July 2022, 14:30-16:00 CEST

Where: Online

Learn more about:

  • the YCRA programme
  • FAO’s work on innovation
  • the UN’s work on behavioural science

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Agrimedia.cd est une plateforme numérique dédiée à l’agriculture en République Démocratique du Congo. Notre mission est de promouvoir le développement du secteur agricole en mettant en lumière les initiatives innovantes des jeunes entrepreneurs congolais et en offrant une visibilité à leurs projets. La société est légalement enregistrée depuis le 12.11.2021, sous le N°RCCM : KNG/RCCM/21-B-02970

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