Location: Nigeria

ntergenerational Solidarity: Creating a World for All Ages

Why is the theme of the “International Youth Day” Intergenerational Solidarity: Creating a World for All Ages?”

Article by Akin Showemimo, Country Representative of YPARD Nigeria; Isaiah Akindunbi, Communication Focal Person of YPARD Nigeria

To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the world needs to leverage the full potential of all generations. Solidarity across generations is key for sustainable development. We must collaborate to foster successful and equitable intergenerational relations and partnerships to ensure “no one is left behind.” (UN,2022). This quote from the United Nations article on the International Youth day 2022 highlights the importance of recognizing and highlighting the different generations.

Whether you are a baby boomer, millennial, Gen Z or Gen Alpha, it is a fact that youth consist of 16% of the world population. These are exciting times. The reach, innovation and diversity of the world has never been this huge. From crypto currencies, life enhancing vaccines, artificial intelligence to precision agriculture and inclusive policies, the world has never been this diverse and yet together in the same breath. The theme Intergenerational Solidarity highlights the generational trust and transfer that occurs from one generation to the next without belittling the impact of any generation. For all the financial innovation that cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence is, the previous generation gave us computers and microchips that fit into our palms. You don’t want to see the size of the computer that put the first man on the moon.

Youth world over are renowned for innovation, guile and strength and this generation is not any different. Despite the trying times of the world, each generation leads in trust for the next generation. They study, learn and leave it all behind for another person. The elders care for, raise the youth and then entrust their legacies, resources and the future of the earth in the hands of those they have raised. It is a test. It is a trust. One generation builds upon the work of the previous one, whilst training the next generation to take over from them. There is a need for Intergenerational solidarity.

In Nigeria, with 16.8 percent of our total population aged 15-35 and 43.69 of the population aged 0- 14 years, the Youths are in the forefront of the desire for social change, reforms and technological advancement.

Why does Youth play an active role in creating a world for all ages?

Youths have historically being change agents and innovation drivers. Blaise Pascal invented the mechanical calculator aged 18, Beethoven was 7 for his first public performance, 39 when he

produced arguably his best work the Fur Elise and Horatio Adams invented the chewing gum aged 16. Talk about science, art and food !

The youth have the greenness, strength and inquisitiveness that comes with the age range, the capacity for risk and can build on the knowledge, experience and resources of the previous generations to build a better world for the future generations.

How can you play a part ?

Have you seen the sustainable development goals ? This are world challenges identified for us all to work on to make the world a better place. Have you looked into a mirror lately ? That is someone who has a part to play in being a contributing productive member in his environment and beyond. Join an association, lend your voice to a cause, learn a skill, the possibilities of our times really are endless. Embrace technology in what you do.

Be a contributive productive member of your community.

The world is a better place now than it was 100 years ago, the previous generation have had to deal with wars, diseases and disasters but we are green, fresh and strong. We can learn from them, empower ourselves and build for the next generation. The best days have really just begun. The beautiful ones have just been born.

Youth who functions in the food system should anticipate the YPARD Poster Presentation Event on August 18th, in commemoration of International Youth Day 2022.

Get posted on our channels!

1. Do a short video or pictures telling us what you do.

2. Post it on twitter, facebook or Instagram using the hashtags #IamastrongYouth #InternationalYouthday2022 #IYDwithYPARD

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