Location: Online Germany

Millions of people across Africa are facing starvation due to climate change, COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine, which are exposing the fragility of our global food system. But there’s good news: a growing movement of local communities and traditional leaders are working to restore the continent’s degraded landscapes and feed its people sustainably.

At GLF Africa 2022, meet thousands of frontline leaders from across Africa and the world who are tackling the climate and food crises head on. Discover how healthy landscapes, equitable access to land, and shorter, greener value chains can transform the future of food and build climate resilience starting today.

Join us for a day packed with inspiring speakers, the latest science, concerts, virtual tours, a job fair and networking. Connect with entrepreneurs, traditional leaders, youth and women shaping the future of the continent, and learn how you can play a part in the growing restoration movement.

Tickets are free for all African residents, with just €5 for youth and €10 for everyone else with the early bird discount.


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Agrimedia.cd est une plateforme numérique dédiée à l’agriculture en République Démocratique du Congo. Notre mission est de promouvoir le développement du secteur agricole en mettant en lumière les initiatives innovantes des jeunes entrepreneurs congolais et en offrant une visibilité à leurs projets. La société est légalement enregistrée depuis le 12.11.2021, sous le N°RCCM : KNG/RCCM/21-B-02970

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